Over two months ago, I wrote a post about a lovely 12 year old girl named Jacqueline. She has had a history of 30-minute epileptic seizures and is one of 8 children. Her disabilities has impaired the daily lives of the entire family (lacking the father who prefers to spend his time with his other wives) and threatens their survival.
Thankfully, Jackie now has a sponsor! An outstanding woman and sister in Christ, this person has helped send Jackie, her developmentally delayed sister Rose, and their mother to get to the hospital. Below are some excerpts of emails I have received from my in-country contacts (emphases are mine).
Sept 4
... We are just from Kisumu [where the hospital is] now. The gals have been attended to greatly, the doctors recomended lab tests for both especially the blood & urine samples. They have been given prescriptions, jackline was given reglol200 gms tabs for a whole month pending review that was recommended to be on a monthly basis. They also suggested a city [CT] scan on the head that they said will cost kshs 12000. They also recomended a protein enriched meal for her coz they feel her diet is not good for the kind of medication she is introduced to. All in all the family & i are so greatful for your support. Thank the lady who helped in the fundraising as well as all who donated towards their medical care & support. Can you believe this is their first time in a car? Just as you know our matatus, they had several convaltions & vomitings because of the crowding the seats. I know God will help them. ...
Sept 9
... Jacklin & her family too are good, i have been helping monitor her medical care. She's doing good though, with regards to the protein enriched meals, the mom has a slight problem. With the poor harvest, she does not have enough. If you guys can help in anyway,just do it. Otherwise just lets focus on her next medication. ...
Oct 4
Its so amazing that Jackline has so improved. Im at Dago and things are great. Imagine Jacklyn can count numbers upto 50 now and can write her name. Im so greatful. She is finishing her medication tomorrow and should be going back to hospital for check up and pick medication. Please if you can, help us get her the check and medication. ...