It has been decided that taking on projects in India is just too much for this trip and for the controllable size of Therapists Without Borders.
All those great reasons to visit the New Light organization in Kolkata still stand. They are in the center of the sex district and prostitution is a primary way of life out there. New Light attempts to stem the flow of children heading toward that fate, and give young women new opportunities for positive development. There's no doubt that psychotherapists, counselors, psychologists, and social workers would make an immense impact on their mental and emotional health.
However, after months of debating with myself, talking to a few key people about the situation out there, and taking a hard look at all the projects I'm already trying to take on as a newborn non-profit, we've concluded that India is too immense to take on at this early stage. Not only are there language barriers, but also deep cultural values that I feel I would need to give much more time to understand in order to better serve them in the future. In fact, Kolkata is not the only place in India that would stand to benefit from that kind of help. I almost took on another project just by hearing about another organization in the city of Kushalnagar!
On top of that, I have already been feeling like there are a million things I need/want to do for Therapists Without Borders without even leaving the country yet. By the time I come back from Cuzco, I will have my mind buzzing with work for them (ThWB will set itself up to screen, interview, and prepare volunteer therapists for them). Then I will be visiting 4 villages in Kenya and a school AND orphanage in Ghana. More information about those projects later. Needless to say, that's plenty enough work for the rest of the year!
What made the decision final, is that I have not yet heard back from the director of New Light. I am given to understand from the various people who have worked with her that she is an extraordinary woman, but is also extraordinarily busy. She has created many many projects beyond, and in support of, New Light... and has worked with the Dalai Lama (yay, my first name drop). It has been difficult to coordinate my visit with her for the past couple months, and with the trip coming up so soon, I just don't feel comfortable flying by the seat of my pants on this one, unless I'm a tourist.
Speaking of the trip, it's a good thing I still had not purchased plane tickets. I had been waiting to get things confirmed with New Light, and waiting to hear back from a pro bono travel agent who helped me look for humanitarian fares for flights. Now I can rearrange my time in Kenya and Ghana, and save money and stress from the issue of getting India's visa (I'd have had to pay $200 in total, for all the components of the application and to get it expedited).
:: phew ::
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