Monday, March 28, 2011

Sample of Expenses for 7 weeks in Africa

Medical Prevention

Travel Medicine Consultation: $42

Mefloquine (anti-malarial): 14 count = $173.18
Azithromycin (for traveler's diarrhea): 10 count = $152.59

Oral typhoid: $84

Flu shot: $9.67
Immunization administration: $21.83

Hep A vaccine: $112
Immunization administration: $23

Consult with PA about whether I should take birth control to postpone menstruation for duration of trip (conclusion was no): $113

My insurance won't pay for these because it's preventative... I haven't yet received the bill for my meningitis, MMR, and Tdap shots (and their administration costs!)


10 skirts from thrift stores which I can wear and donate: $30

25 children's books from thrift stores: about $10

5 copies of "Don't Call Me Special", which I recently discovered at Barnes & Noble (one for each village I will visit): $42

Suitcase from Goodwill: $4.99

Haircut at nice salon near downtown participating in Locks of Love: $10 tip, $3 parking, $5 in gas

Copies of documents I will use for trainings and workshops: $10


Travel medical insurance (from March 2-May 19 with $250 deductible and policy max at $1,000,000): $98.10

Traveler's insurance (for same period): $90.40

MedjetAssist Annual Membership (since I will be traveling overseas more than a few times in a year): $250
--> This is not an insurance plan. "As a member, if you are ever hospitalized 150 miles or more away from home, MedjetAssist will arrange for medical transfer to the hospital of your choice — at no additional charge. No transportation cost limitations. No pre-existing condition exclusions." <--


Village Volunteers fees (covering housing, water, 3 meals/day, in-country transport, escorts, logistics coordination, etc): $2,365

Ghana visa (Embassy cost $60 + processing service $59): $119

Kenya visa (paid at airport upon arrival): $50


Chicago to Nairobi via KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Kenya Airways: $779.57

Nairobi to Accra via Ethiopian Airlines: $568

Accra to Chicago via Alitalia: $1134.70

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