Saturday, June 21, 2008

Had a good day walking around downtown Nairobi. Bought 2 dictionaries and 12 more kid books for donation. These kid books are great because they are by Kenyan authors, and about village life. Future volunteers could do a better mix of donated Western books with in-country books.

We went to an Indian restaurant instead of Carnivore tonight. Great truly authentic Indian food. Rode in matatus all day, and that is such an experience -- the seats aren't always bolted completely to the van floor, some have flat-screen tvs playing music videos to attract customers, and they all have ticket takers who run on and off the van while it's still in moving traffic. Anyway, more on that another time.

A mosquito net has been draped over my bed; I took my second dose of mefloquine at dinner, and tonight I will resort my belongings to prepare for the bus ride to Dago in the morning. Breakfast at 8am, and out the door in 20 minutes. Here's where the real adventure begins!


Anonymous said...

Hello Autosmiler! I am loving your blogs, and especially the inclusion of your Mom's comment.. Glad you made it through the airports with "most" of the MSD donations..You will be Santa Claus and the Fairy godmother all rolled into one--and then you will also share joy with the professional SLP expertise you offer to these families.. stay safe, smiling, and soak it all in.... and keep the information coming... --mystery SLP colleague from MSD

dritta said...

I am jealous of your indian food. I miss it from when I was in Tanzania!